edit from Tim: Here's a close up of the monkey-on-the-bed injury.

edit #2 from Tim: At least it wasn't as bad as our friends' son's injury! Get better soon, Jasper!
Tim, Sawyer and Bex
edit #2 from Tim: At least it wasn't as bad as our friends' son's injury! Get better soon, Jasper!
Ouch!! Poor little monkey....(Cute little monkey, too :)
Keep the photos coming :)
Love,Aunt Susan
Oh No! Poor baby!
At least he got a cup cake!
Poor little Sawyer. Nana is so glad his injury wasn't worse!
He certainly looks cute, even with the boo boo.
Oh sure, jumping on the bed--c'mon, Sawyer actually got that brawling at the pub on St Paddy's day again, didn't he?
Anyhow, I'm sure the other guy got the worst of it--bet for a long time he's not gonna be enjoying any green cupcakes except through a straw.
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